Partner's form

    III World Oils and Fats Conference
    9-10 april 2025

    About your company

    Fill in the information about your company

    Attach a file
    with company details


    Partnership option

    Choose one partnership option

    $25 000
    • 6 representatives

    • Exhibition area

    • Advanced media campaign

    $6 000
    • 1 representative

    • Exhibition area

    • Partnership mentioning in the media campaign

    $13 500
    • 4 representatives

    • Speaker selection/company presentation

    • Partnership mentioning in the media campaign

    $5 000
    • 1 representative

    • Partner’s logo on coffee-break desserts

    • Partnership mentioning in the media campaign

    $15 000
    • 3 participants

    • Branding of table tents with the partner's logo

    • Distribution of partner's
      information materials


    Advanced options

    Choose advanced partnership options

    ** The option will be available if it is not bought out on exclusive terms

    Please note that all information materials will be sent to the specified e-mail addresses. The name and position of the participant from the application form will be in the lists of participants and on personal badges.. Please pay attention to the accuracy of filling in the application form!


    Fill in the information about representative

    Representative №1

    By clicking the “Send” button you give your consent to the processing of the entered personal information in accordance with the Federal Law № 152-ФЗ of 27.07.2006 “On Personal Data”.

    By submitting this application form you agree to receive newsletters from organizer.